RBMS South East Queensland – Ipswich – Field Trip/Tour
A Big Project at Small Creek – An innovative creek naturalisation project.
On Site Tour
The River Basin Management Society invites you to to visit the newly completed naturalisation and stormwater quality offset project in Ipswich
The naturalisation of Small Creek, up until recently a concrete drain, and tributary of Deebing Creek in Ipswich, has recently been completed by Ipswich Council. In partnership with Bligh Tanner, Landscapeology and Australian Wetlands, this project has been both brave and innovative from the get go. Funded through the use of voluntary stormwater quality offsets from development and designed with the community through the award winning “design your creek week” engagement event, this is not your average rehab project.
The project to date has been acknowledged through a number of awards including
- National Landscape Award for Land Management, Australian Institute of Landscape Architects;
- Award of Excellence in Policy or Education, Stormwater Queensland;
- Queensland State Award of Excellence for Land Management, Australian Institute of Landscape Architects;
- Finalist, Government Stewardship, Healthy Land and Water Awards.
The River Basin Management Society is able to offer the chance for you to get on site and see the final product as well as chat through the project with representatives from the project team including:
- Alan Hoban, Director, Civil & Water at Bligh Tanner & Director, Stormwater Australia
- Amalie Wright, Director – Landscapeology
- Ben Walker – Waterways Improvement officer – Ipsiwch City Council
Meet on site – On road parking is suggested but limited along Briggs Road.
Bring a packed lunch, sun-smart clothing and closed in suitable footwear
Small creek Ipswich, QLD
64 Briggs Road, Ipswich
QLD 4305 Australia
Sorry this event has ended.
Date: May 12
Time: 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Organiser: River Basin Management Society