The 2019/20 committee will be formalised at a short Special General Meeting which will be held at Ross House in Melbourne and via video-link on Thursday the 20 June 2019 at 6pm. An election ballot will take place for committee positions with more than one nomination.
Nominations for committee positions are open until 6pm Thursday 6 June 2019 – please submit your nomination here.
An agenda for the meeting can be found here.
For those who are attending in person, the code for accessing Ross House will be distributed to you via email the day before the meeting.
For those who are unable to make it in person, you can choose to attend via video link (an email with the link will be distribution to those who have selected this option), or you can nominate a proxy by sending an email to info@rbms.com.au.
Note that only current fincncial members of the RBMS are able to vote at the SGM.
At conclusion of the meeting, we will adjourn to a nearby pub, to celebrate the achievements of the RBMS this year.
Ross House Room 4.1
247-251 Flinders Lane, Melbourne
Victoria 3000 Australia
Sorry this event has ended.
Date: June 20
Time: 5:45 pm - 6:30 pm
Organiser: River Basin Management Society