The River Basin Management Society Inc. was officially founded on 26 November 1986, the date of the Society being incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 1981. In late 2016 we celebrated our 30th birthday by the Yarra River in Melbourne, Victoria.

This beginnings of the RBMS are described in the preamble to our constitution:

Arising from a greater awareness by the Community of the attributes of streams and their environs, and of the capability of technology, significant changes are occurring in the practice of management of water areas in Australia.

This awakening has recognised the many and varied disciplines involved in the investigation, appraisal and management activities, as well as the desire of participants to come together to form relationships and through discussion to improve the application of their joint knowledge in providing service to the community.

Accordingly at a meeting of participants held at Stratford, Victoria on the 10th. May 1984, it was resolved to form an association of people participating in the comprehensive fields of river basin planning and management.

At the 7th Australian Stream Management Conference, held in Townsville in July 2014, there was enthusiasm for an RBMS Chapter to be led in Queensland. The first Queensland Chapter leads were elected to the RBMS Committee in 2015 and have since grown a dedicated community of practice.

At the 9th Australian Stream Management Conference, held in Hobart in August 2018, a group of NSW delegates expressed their interest in leading a new Chapter in NSW. The first NSW Chapter lead was elected to the RBMS Committee in 2019.

Today we support chapters in VIC, NSW, QLD and wherever you want to take us next.