RBMS Committee Roles
The River Basin Management Society (RBMS) comprises an elected volunteer Committee made up of an Executive Committee and General Committee member base. Elections are held on an annual basis with nominations received via an expression of interest advertised in May and announced at the Special General Meeting held in mid to late June each year.
The structure of the committee is flexible, but it provides ease of responsibility to have some designated roles to lead actions. This can be determined by each committee, led by the decision of the RBMS Executive. All committee members are trained in the programs and processes required to deliver communications and event management, to share the workload across the year.
The structure, roles and responsibilities are summarised in the image below:

Executive Committee
We are proud to have been well served by an entirely volunteer committee since our establishment in 1986/87.
The current RBMS Executive Committee are shown below, along with a list representing those who have served since 2012/13: