This World Rivers Day the RBMS invites you to join us for a one-day virtual River Fest to celebrate the ‘Waterways in Our Communities’. Joined by keynote speakers Prof Ian Rutherfurd and Dr. Siwan Lovett are a host of speakers covering a variety of fascinating topics over the course of the day – including dryland river management, riverine ecology, connectivity and cultural water, extreme events, and communities and their special waterways. With a few international guest presentations as well, it is sure to be a celebration worth attending!
Don’t miss out! Click on the ‘Purchase Tickets’ button to register via Eventbrite.
09:00 Welcome
· Myles Coker – RBMS President introduction |
· Acknowledgement/ Welcome to Country |
09:15 – 10:05 Dryland River Management
Includes presentations from:
· Fran Sheldon (Griffith University) Are we sacrificing the ‘boom’ and prolonging the ‘bust’? Water resource development and hydrological variability in Australia’s dryland rivers. |
· Zacc Larkin (Macquarie University) Australian dryland rivers: past, present and future? |
10:05 – 10:50 From Land to Sea
Includes presentations from:
· Stephen Lewis (TropWater – JCU) Tracking sediment from the catchment to reef |
· Kirstie Fryirs (Macquarie University) Do we still need a human? Geomorphic analysis and interpretation of rivers in a remotely sense world |
10:50 11:20 Morning tea – stick around to catch up with your peers!
11:20 Keynote Speaker – Prof. Ian Rutherfurd
12:00 Lunch break – stick around to catch up with your peers!
12:30- 13:35 Connectivity and Cultural Water
Includes presentations from:
· Steve Clayton (Jacobs – USA) An overview of dam removal in the USA: Drivers, trends and guidance documents |
· Bradley Moggridge (Canberra University) Identifying and overcoming barriers to collaborative sustainable water governance in remote Australian indigenous communities |
· Jessica McLean (Macquarie University) Shadow Waters: Making Australian water cultures visible |
13:35 – 14:30 Basin Scale
Includes presentations from:
· Paul Frazier (2ROG) Connecting the Murray-Darling Basin: Outcomes from environmental watering over 6 years |
· Dr Ming Li Yong (Center for Environmental Research in Conservation and Development Studies) Reclaiming community spaces in the Mekong River Transboundary Commons |
14:30 Afternoon tea – stick around to catch up with your peers!
15:00 – 15:50 Riverine Ecology
Includes presentations from:
· Ross Smith (Hydrobiology) The Fundao Dam Rupture, Brazil: Ecosystem impacts and current condition |
· Dr John Wright (Parks Victoria) Impacts of feral horses on treelss drainage lines in National Parks and State Forests of the Australian Alps |
15:50 – 16:35 Extreme Events
Includes presentations from:
· Andrew Nelson (NHC (Canada)) Fluvial remobilisation and downstream impacts of sediment from the 2010 Capricorn Creek landslide on Mount Meager (or others) |
· Max Finlayson and Jason Alexandra (Independent consultant and Alexandra Consulting) Floods after bushfires: rapid responses for reducing impacts of sediment, ash, and nutrient slugs |
17:05 – 17:30 Communities and their Waterways16:35 Keynote Speaker – Dr. Siwan Lovett
Includes presentations from:
· Nell Graham (Parramatta River Catchment Management Group) Our Living River – let’s make our river swimmable by 2025 |
17:30 Evening Social Wine – we all miss seeing our RBMS network in person but here’s the next best thing – stick around for a virtual wine time!
Sorry this event has ended.
Date: September 29
Time: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Organiser: River Basin Management Society